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Ah young love...what's that like again?
00:00 / 16:27

I had the opportunity of speaking with my brother and hearing his perspective on relationships and love. Like many twenty-somethings in this society, a lot of us have never been in love, let alone relationships. I myself have always been curious as to what it is really like. I mean what do people in relationships even do?? I always thought it was super romantic, tumblr-esque, going to the movies and sharing popcorn type stuff but my brother assured me it isn’t so. And if you want to listen to what young love is like through the eyes (or words rather) of someone who is young and in love- press play.

A Break from Reality...
00:00 / 06:06

A little glimpse into my life with my best friend and his family. After not going to a bar in so long, this was so much fun and its little things like this that, in the grand scheme, mean so much.


I did a podcast about my life in lockdown...probably the best thing i've ever created so please listen.

Barney & me.

Barney & Me.
00:00 / 15:38

I created a podcast to discuss life in a pandemic and I chose to talk about something that made my life a little bit more bearable, particularly during the lockdown months. I spoke about my pet rabbit Barney and our journey together. He was my best friend, my baby boy. This is probably the most personal thing I have ever published online about myself, even though its about a rabbit. This is a very emotional and painful topic for me and this will be the last time I speak of Barney, at least not for a very long time- so I hope you enjoy. The piano at the end is me playing my keyboard, Barney would frequently sit under it and fall asleep while I played. This is for you, my sweet boy, I'll love you always.


The first day I got him.

Out first picture

Hehe. Apple.

My favourite picture of him.

Handsome boy.

Laying down weird.

Barney's favourite toy, Monkey. He would always lick it lol

Relaxing in the garden.

Barney's first birthday. He grew so much in 5 months.

Nala alway hit him, but gently. He loved it secretly.

Like mother, like son.

Sister Sienna.

Lavender Eyes.

This is when I had mono. He always licked me during this time. No he did not give it to me.

I wasn't kidding when I said he loved chips.

Trip to Dow's. One woman could not believe her eyes. Barney was a bad bitch who wasn't like other rabbits. Period.


CONTAct me

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